Christina Long
- Artist-in-Residence: Southeast Oklahoma University
- Assistant Professor of Piano: Westfield State College (Massachusetts)
- Assistant Professor, Tabor College (Kansas)
- Recent performances: Dallas Meyerson Symphony Hall
- Regular appearances: Dallas Chamber Orchestra
Individual recitals in the Dallas Metro Area
Awards :
- Kingsville International Young Performers Competition (First Prize)
- Sherman Symphony Orchestra Soloist Competition (First Prize)
- Midland-Odessa Symphony (Top Prize)
- Shreveport Symphony Orchestra Young
- Soloist Competition (Top Prize)
Countries Christina Long has performed in :
- Canada
- Taiwan
- China
- Indonesia
- Poland
- United States
- Malaysia
Recording Labels :
- Centaur Records
- Christina was commissioned by the Ubiquitous Publishing Company to translate the book, “MY LIFE WITH GREAT PIANISTS” by Franz Mohr.
Representative Performances :
- Przemysl Music Festival (Poland)
- Dallas Chamber Orchestra
- Sherman Symphony Orchestra (Texas)
- North Shore Symphony Orchestra (Illinois)
- Newton Symphony Orchestra (Kansas)
- “Basically Beethoven Series” of the Dallas Symphony Orchestra
- New England Lyric Arts Trio
- Dallas American Asian Youth Orchestra
- Festival of Sound (Texas)
- Texas Computer Musicians Network
- National Association of Composers, USA
Education and Training :
- Adam Wodnicki
- Vladimir Viardo
- Lillian Long
- University of North Texas (Doctor of Musical Arts Degree)
- The Dissertation Award for Excellence in Music Performance