2/24 |
Recital Buchwald Theater, Brooklyn College,City University of New York |
紐約市立大學,布魯克林學院,Buchwald劇院,音樂會 |
4/8 |
Recital, Grant Hall, Brown University,Providence, Rhode Island |
羅德島普羅威登斯市,布朗大學大演奏廳,音樂會 |
4/9 |
Master Class Brown University, Providence Rhode Island |
羅德島普羅威登斯市,布朗大學,大師班 |
5/1 |
Richter Association for the Arts, Danbury, Connecticut |
康乃狄克州丹伯里市,李希特藝術協會,音樂會 |
7/5-17 |
Gala Opening Concert, Faculty concerts, InterHarmony Festival, Acqui Terme Piedmont, Italy |
義大利InterHarmony音樂節,開幕音樂會 |
9/15 |
Gala Charity Concert Keys2Success, Summit, New Jersey |
紐澤西州麥迪遜市,大通禮堂,演講 |
10/15 |
presentation, Chase Auditorium, Madison, New Jersey |
紐澤西州薩米特市,Keys2Success慈善音樂會 |
10/23 |
Watchung Arts Center, New Jersey |
紐澤西Watchung(沃昌)藝術中心 |
11/5 |
Weill Recital Hall, Carnegie Hall, New York, |
紐約市卡內基,威爾獨奏廳 |
3/5 |
Online Concert, Steinway Soiree, Schumann Carnaval |
史坦威鋼琴之夜線上音樂會,演出舒曼狂歡節 |
6/11 |
Chopin Concerto No. 2 with Ft. Worth Symphony Orchestra, Ft. Worth, Texas |
與沃斯堡交響樂團合作演出蕭邦第二號鋼琴協奏曲 |
6/3-13 |
Piano Texas International Festival, Pepsico Hall, Texas Christian University, Ft. Worth, Texas |
國際德州鋼琴音樂節, 德州基督教大學,百事可樂廳 |
7/5-11 |
InterHarmony Festival, Online Faculty Concert, Presentation |
InterHarmony音樂節,線上音樂會x |
8/4-6 |
Master Class, Princeton International Arts Festival |
普林斯頓國際藝術節,大師班 |
9/4 |
IMPACT’ Outdoor Concert, Dunham Park, New Jersey for ‘UNICEF’ |
紐澤西Dunham公園,為聯合國兒童基金會的‘IMPACT’戶外音樂會 |
12/6 |
Presbyterian Church of Montclair, Upper Montclair, New Jersey |
紐澤西上蒙克萊市,蒙克萊長老會堂 |